Budhumbula Palace/Shrine is the former residence of the former Kyabazinga of Busoga Sir William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Nadiope, who died in 1976. The shrine, covered by beautiful marbles consist of graves of other various members of the royal family, his father and mother, Yosia Nadiope and Nansikombi respectively.
Budhumbula is also the current home to Prince William Nadiope 1V
The palace was donated by the British Colonial Government in 1914.
Located 2 km from Kamuli town along the Kamuli-Jinja Main road
1 Comment
Mulondo Kalemera, 2020-12-22 at 7:56 AM
I have to leave a comment, apparently. So I’ll say its a great reservior of Busoga’s modern history.